A new era begins. Ten years after the beginning of Time Studios Entertainment (back then called TimeStudiosCH), the Nino Ruef Group subsidiary company transformed it’s motion picture department into a brand new company called «Payback Films» which starts acting immediately.
Payback Films was founded after creating some work together and winning «Best Short» with «Lonely Weekend» at Europe’s largest horror festival the «Weekend of Horrors».
«We’re looking forward to focus on entertainment. Music videos, short films, entertaining commercials and in the near future we’re looking forward to start working on our first feature film.» explained COO Shannon Staller to the Swiss newspaper «Schaffhauser Bock» in January.
Founded by Shannon Staller and Nino Ruef in late 2015. Payback Films starts to act immediately and took over running works from Time Studios Entertainment’s video and film division. Staller and Ruef produced the first little music video with the new brand for their friend Chris K. King’s «Moving On».